FREE Kickboxing Guide

free kickboxing guide

Download our free 10 page guide to kickboxing.


Here is a collection of comments about the sport of kickboxing and about our website. If you have a testimonial to add please send us an email.

Once a week for more than an hour I release tension, build fitness and luxuriate in my body’s physicality by running around kicking people in the head. I’m not a menace to society; I attend a kickboxing class. And I love it. — Lauren , Florida

I used to be  frightened when walking home from the bus in Manchester, but after starting classes and reading your guide, I now have the confidence that I know I can deal with any situation presented to me — Martin, Manchester, England.

Thanks for your help, I had started in my local fitness centre and I wanted to do some study at home. Your website has helped me, thanks for taking the time to share your experiences. — Simon, Berlin, Germany.

Your website has been helpful. I like that your site isn’t too overly male specific, us girls want to learn how to kickbox too ! — Sarah, Boston, Massachusetts .

Great website. I really liked your beginners guide, it explained the basics of jabs, punches and body position, which I felt that my coach wasn’t the best at. Or maybe it was something to do with what I was doing. — Sarah, Dublin, Ireland.

If you’d like to get started with learning how to kick-box, why not read our page about kickboxing styles.